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Is Your Wireless Network Industrial Strength?

Strengthen Your Wireless Network Connection When it comes to a wireless network, most industrial environments lack the strength to keep up with mobility technology. Organizations’ focus on improving office WLANs has left their industrial counterparts

Not Barcodes or RFID, but Both

The Convergence of Barcode and RFID Technology has an inexorable momentum, but one that proceeds at a pace determined by utility. Such is the case with barcodes and radio-frequency identification (RFID). Choosing between a barcode

Are Your Smartphones Tough Enough for Work?

Emerging Enterprise Applications Require Ruggedness & Reliability Millions of new smartphones continue to ship every month, and many of them find their way into businesses to help workers do their jobs in innovative new ways. But are

The Right Equipment for Cold Storage

The Cold Hard Facts About Using Mobile Technology in Cold Storage Environments Unless mobile computers, associated barcode readers, and wireless networking equipment have been designed with features required specifically for use in cold environments, the