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The CT50h by Honeywell

Improve Patient–Side Care With the CT50h by Honeywell There’s a brand new way to make sure your clinicians and nursing staff have access to all the vital information they need: the Dolphin CT50h by Honeywell. The Dolphin CT50h is a

Pharmacy Thermal Labels

Using the Correct Pharmacy Labels In any barcoding solution, it is important to have the right technology.  Having the right hardware and software are extremely important.  However, using the right supplies are just as essential

Direct Thermal Label Printer in Healthcare

Direct Thermal Label Printer for Healthcare Applications A direct thermal label printer is used in many industries to print everything from shipping labels, tickets and receipts, to name tags and visitor passes. However, in healthcare facilities, these

How to Choose a Barcode Scanner

Barcode Scanners Come in All “Sizes and Shapes” There are a number of different makes and models of barcode scanners available on the market. It can be difficult and time consuming to evaluate the cost

Pharmacy Printing Solutions

To track medications accurately, make sure you have a reliable pharmacy printing solution.  With the right devices, using barcode tracking in the pharmacy can be easy.  Barcode tracking will reduce medication dispensing errors while improving

Pharmacy Barcode Scanners

It is important to accurately track medication throughout the hospital.  Without a tracking system in place, patients are at risk of being given incorrect medications which can put them at harm.  Make sure your hospital

Analyzing your Hospital’s Wireless System

Having trouble with consistent wireless coverage? At RMS Omega, our services team has encountered many healthcare facilities with wireless systems that are not living up to their initial expectations. So what’s the best way to