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Mobility DNA – Infographic

The Anatomy of Zebra Mobile Computers What’s inside the body of an enterprise mobile computer matters. That’s why Zebra engineered Mobility DNA – the genetic code that gives mobile computers distinct enterprise capabilities. It takes

Cold Storage Scanning

Keep Working Without Freezing Up Cold storage, refrigeration units, and freezer units often create challenges for ordinary wireless computers.  The changes in temperature from freezer to loading dock can create condensation which causes computer screens

New 3600 Series Ultra-Rugged Barcode Scanners

Industrial environments such as warehousing and manufacturing need scanners that have an ultra-rugged design, superior performance, and unrivaled manageability.  In any high paced application, speed and accuracy are directly related to workforce productivity, throughput, the quality

Direct Thermal Printing Can Be the Best Choice

When is Direct Thermal Printing the Best Choice  Most organizations, institutions and businesses use thermal printers for label printing. These printers are ideal for printing barcode labels with high quality, accurate images. Companies have the

Thermal Printing Services

At RMS Omega, we offer a variety of professional services to make everything easier for our customers. We strive to be the one point of contact for all of your barcode, mobile, RFID, and wireless technology needs.

Warehouse Scanning Equipment

Optimizing Warehouse Scanning Scanning in the warehouse is essential.  Each process requires different warehouse scanning equipment and each facility has its own unique requirements. In warehouses and distribution centers, you can maximize inventory throughput, increase

Warehouse Barcode Scanner

All warehouses are not the same.  And neither are scanners. Make sure you are selecting your technology with purpose. Choose the warehouse barcode scanner that works best for the specific application it will be used

Rugged Warehouse Scanner: SF61

Warehouses need durable, rugged technology that can maximize worker productivity and increase accuracy.  The technology used in the warehouse will determine whether or not you meet those goals.  Having a reliable warehouse scanner means your

Thermal Barcode Printers by Zebra Technologies

There are many types of thermal barcode printers.  Different types of printers are meant to be used for different applications based on their strengths.  Zebra Technologies offers a variety of thermal barcode printers designed to survive in

Warehouse Scanners by Honeywell

What do warehouses and distribution centers have in common?  They all rely on accurate information for inventory, employee productivity, order accuracy, and shipping time.  An effective barcoding solution will streamline supply chain operations – to

Barcode Tracking Software

Barcode tracking software comes in various forms depending on the application it is used for.  At its basic core, the software enables businesses to collect information by scanning bar codes rather than manual entry.  The